sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

1 comentario:

  1. Hi there, this is Michael. Great job on your presentation. Here are some mistakes you made (mostly grammar). Changes are in ´´quotes.´´

    Slide 2:
    ...before ´´you´´ start a sport...

    Slide 4:
    Move the ankle ´´making´´ circles in one ´´direction, and then the other.´´ or Make circles with your ankle one way, and then the other.

    Leg movements, not Legs movements. - the reason for this is that, in this case, a ´´leg movements´´ is one thing and one noun. The exercise is called a ´´leg movement´´ not ´´make a move with your leg.´´ If it was the last one, then you would make both plural. However, since it is not, you would make ´´leg movement´´ plural by adding an ´´s´´ at the end of ´´movement´´ only.

    ...move them ´´in´´ circles in all directions. - made the same mistake on Slide 11

    system, not sistem
    It´s responsible ´´for´´ the...


    Did not get a picture, there´s just a blank spot. It might be a problem with the computer I am using.

    ...when everybody is ´´caught´´ or when ´´the´´ time is over. - saying when the time is ´´up´´ is probably better.
